CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION is a center specialist on study and characterization of materials and their surface properties. At the service of industry, its labs (metallographic, chemical analysis, mechanical testing…) and its platforms for metal powders implementation, cold plasma treatment, study of wear phenomena enable it to offer expertises and R&D services in a high level quality environment: ISO 9001, COFRAC (NF EN ISO/IEC 17025), NADCAP…
CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION is a center specialist on study and characterization of materials and their surface properties. At the service of industry, its labs (metallographic, chemical analysis, mechanical testing…) and its platforms for metal powders implementation, cold plasma treatment, study of wear phenomena enable it to offer expertises and R&D services in a high level quality environment: ISO 9001, COFRAC (NF EN ISO/IEC 17025), NADCAP…
The CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION benefits for “Crédit impôt recherche” and “Crédit Impôt Innovation” (Research and innovation tax credit) approval.
If they are eligible, the services performed by CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION for companies implant in France can be imputed for “Crédit Impôt Recherche or Innovation”.
Contact us
© 2025 CRITT MI – All rights reserved – Legal notice
9 rue Claude Chrétien, Campus Sup Ardenne, Bâtiment D, 08000 Charleville-Mézières | 26 Rue Lavoisier, Pôle Technologique de Champagne, Bâtiment A, 52800 Nogent