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Certifications and accreditations

Since its creation, CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION took the quality of its performances as a key point of its strategy. This one is relied on a stable staff of engineers and technicians permanently training and resourcing, facilities rigorously maintained, and analysis and tests protocols perfectly mastered and qualified in the rules of the art. This quality policy allows to CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION to benefit many accreditations, qualifications and certification, whose list is updated below.

NADCAP accreditation NF EN ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation ISO 9001 certification ISO 45001 certification CRT label SAFRAN qualification AIRBUS qualification 

Certifications and accreditations

Since its creation, CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION took the quality of its performances as a key point of its strategy. This one is relied on a stable staff of engineers and technicians permanently training and resourcing, facilities rigorously maintained, and analysis and tests protocols perfectly mastered and qualified in the rules of the art. This quality policy allows to CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION to benefit many accreditations, qualifications and certification, whose list is updated below.

NADCAP accreditation NF EN ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation ISO 9001 certification ISO 45001 certification CRT label SAFRAN qualification AIRBUS qualification 

Certifications Afnor

AFNOR certifications

ISO 9001 certification (Quality)

From its origin, CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION built a rigorous quality system, according with its industrial customers requierements.

Certifications Afnor

AFNOR certifications

Certification ISO 45001 (Safety)

Staff and partner safety and health is also a major
challenge. We are involved from several years in
an approach which allowed us to get:


Technology Resource Centre approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

This label allows CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION to benefit its clients located in France from the Research Tax Credit (CIR) and the Innovation Tax Credit (CII) for the eligible services it provides.


SAFRAN qualification for mechanical tests,
metallographic examinations, and chemical analyses


AIRBUS qualification for mechanical tests,
metallographic examinations,
chemical analysis, tests on paint coatings


Agrément RENAULT pour les essais de corrosion ECC1 et les essais de brouillard salin.

Certifications Afnor

AFNOR certifications

ISO 9001 certification (Quality)

From its origin, CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION built a rigorous quality system, according with its industrial customers requierements.

Certifications Afnor

AFNOR certifications

Certification ISO 45001 (Safety)

Staff and partner safety and health is also a major
challenge. We are involved from several years in
an approach which allowed us to get:


Technology Resource Centre approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

This label allows CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION to benefit its clients located in France from the Research Tax Credit (CIR) and the Innovation Tax Credit (CII) for the eligible services it provides.


SAFRAN qualification for mechanical tests,
metallographic examinations, and chemical analyses


AIRBUS qualification for mechanical tests,
metallographic examinations,
chemical analysis, tests on paint coatings


Agrément RENAULT pour les essais de corrosion ECC1 et les essais de brouillard salin.

© 2025 CRITT MI – All rights reserved – Legal notice

9 rue Claude Chrétien, Campus Sup Ardenne, Bâtiment D, 08000 Charleville-Mézières | 26 Rue Lavoisier, Pôle Technologique de Champagne, Bâtiment A, 52800 Nogent

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