Le CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION est impliqué en permanence, en tant que porteur ou participant, à une dizaine de projets collaboratifs de R&D ou de diffusion technologique.
C’est une de ses missions essentielles, qui lui permet de ressourcer en permanence ses équipes, d’être actif et reconnu dans les réseaux scientifiques européens et de proposer des solutions innovantes à ses clients industriels.
MATREX project allowed us to highlight interesting performances of some materials which could be alternative to make shaping tools, in particular for glass moulds and forging tools, as well as wearing parts for energy sector
The tests serials done with different technologies or methods was crossed and this allowed to select materials or material elaboration methods hopeful. Details of these selectionned methods and materials will be available in the conclusions of the MATREX project.
Throught the MATREX project and the feed-back from glass, forging, casting and energy professionals, two major issues emerge:
Tools lubrication is a main step for preservation and lifetime of them. Nevertheless, this lubrication step is sometime the origin of bad consequences for environment and industry.
Indeed, presence of some lubricant’s components is less and less wished in the industry due to their relative harmfulness for environment. So, moulds’s cleaning and maintenance to remove lubricant’s residues are quite contrainsting.
For this reason, many manufacturers have the long-term objective of reducing or even eliminating the use of lubricants during the glass shaping stage.
Considerations about request for change some lubricants’s composition, according with the REACH regulation, are often done by industry. However, modification of structure or composition’s lubricant have consequences for their performance.
Add to these consideration, there is for industry, the issue of the real-time monitoring for their tools’s damage, for optimize the finish products flow and avoid scraps, and the wish to find efficient means for moulds’s cleaning/stripping.
There is also a desire to make available for hot toolings’s professionals, diagnostic tools allowing predict the lifetime of their materials.
Wearing parts for high temperature or high energy (refractories, ceramics…) have similar issues than glasses’s moulds or forging tools. The relative empiricism for define and calculate shaping grades and material optimization (shape, design) leads to reducing lifetime of parts and tools, so maintenance costs and random reproductibility. Moreover, valorization and recycling issues are often overlooked, or not taken into account. It is certain that with the notion of assembling several materials, this point becomes a key factor in the success of the choice of this or that material (metallic, ceramic, composite, …).
It’s in this context that this research project is implemented. To deal with these issues, the initial consortium of MATREX project, with an additional partner, will try to bring solution’s proposals and working methodologies transferable at the industrial scale, at the end of this new project MATREX 2.
Towards additive manufacturing for everyone.
Additive manufacturing is a high increasing sector, but current technologies request a great deal of expertise and investment in the range of one million euros.
New technologies based on MIM (Metal Injection Molding) process allow coming for 10 times cheaper devices.
The Fabricar3v project aims to develop a process for a global investment under 30 k€. This development should allow make it accessible for SME and fablabs.
This project brings together transversal and cross-border partners to develop and validate a “low-cost” process and propose dedicated simulation tools.
Presently, patients affected by trauma to bone tissue have to deal with the difficulties inherent in the reconstruction of this biological tissue, leading to often long and costly hospital stays. Therefore, rapid and efficient bone regeneration is an essential parameter which should be considere to give back patients autonomy and mobility, particularly by restoring their ability to walk. In the world, there are yearly 2.2 millions surgical interventions regarding bone areas. More than 25 000 synthetic bone substitutes was implanted in France in 2011 (plus 8% according to 2010) for 6 millions €.
In this context, a previous project (BiomateriOs), allowed us to get porous and biocompatible structures, composed of commercial hydroxyapatite. By using of ceramics and/or bioactive glasses, osteo-conductive/inductive, these structures optimized for bone regeneration present a double porosity and a monitored solubility, to avoid the recourse to autograft, thus limiting pain and increased morbidity for the patient.
This new project OptimOs follow the same philosophy and target to optimize the structure made composition, for access to news biological properties, by using different calcium phosphate phases and/or ionic substitution. Focus will also be placed on the finish product shaping as divisible blocks or able to be assembled in three dimensions. This will allow to practitioner to nearest adapts the geometry of the area to be filled, while having choice to use materials adapted for certains conditions as inflammatory or potentially infected areas.
For a longer term, one of our target is to propose a new way for technology PIM (Powder Injection Molding) valorization, which currently develops around the world. More precisely, if ceramic foams are often requested by practitioners for bone fill-in, especially for large defects, they are difficult to make and even more difficult to shape. PIM promises thus a real technological break for realization of materials focused for medical market, providing a high valorization potential for structures intented for bone fill-in.
The target of the collaborative project PRACORMat-II is to collectively develop innovative and efficient technologic solutions of surface functionalization, to propose them, in later phase, for partners’s industrial network. These solutions focus, more finely, the issues already addressed in the previous project PACORMat (part conductive surfaces development by sustainable metallization of di-electricals materials for energy, transport, connectics, luxe markets) but not only.
They are extended to the surface of biocompatible materials issues, in particular those of medical devices (antimicrobial, bioactive).
Other target is to build a mix team with Grand-Est CRTs, multi-expert specialized in complementary fields of Surfaces & Interfaces, where each CRT brings its technological part and its own expertise for the targeted surface functionalization.
More than than 40 000 knee prostheses are yearly implanted in France.
Numerous technologic improvements performed from 1970 has allowed to reach a high survival rate for joint prostheses. Nevertheless, some issues stays. Aseptic loosening are the most frequent and correspond to 60% of the recovery operations. There are mainly due to the wear debris generated by the rubbing between the joint implant component parts. The most of the knee prostheses is consisted of a metal/polyethylene material pair. In which case, the mainly issue is the polymer component weariness. Migration of this debris into the peri-prosthetic space causes an inflammatory reaction leading to osteolysis (bone destruction) with loosening implant risk. Thus, the weariness resistance improvement stays a major challenge for prosthetic components involved in joints replacement.
Treatments as polymer parts cross-linking allow to improve the prostheses wear resistance. Others treatments as SMAT (Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment), a surface nano-crystallization treatment of materials, is used on metallic materials for improve their wear resistance. This topic was the subject of the NanoTribo project lead by CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION with the UTT (Troyes technologic university) and URCA (Reims Champagne-Ardenne university) collaboration, which proved a significant improvement of the wear resistance of the SMATed cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloys.
Following the NanoTribo promising results, SMILE project was initiated by CRITT MATERIALS INNOVATION with the target to highlight and characterize the SMAT treatment effects on polyethylene UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight PolyEthylene) tibial inserts of knee prostheses, regarding their wear resistance.
Therefore, the SMILE project idea is to valorize the semi-crystalline nature of polyethylene. Indeed, the SMAT treatment is likely to change the UHMWPE microstructure, causing a rearrangement of amorphous phases and crystalline lamellas: thus, this rearrangement could improve the tibial inserts wear resistance. Through the SMILE project, CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION target is to evaluate the wear resistance properties of SMATed polyethylene parts, project’s purpose being to test, according with the NF ISO 14243-3 standard, knee prostheses of which PE insert would be SMATed, and compare it with weariness generated on no SMATed inserts.
With population ageing worldwide there is a constant increase in need for bone filling material in order to treat critical bone defect. Actually long bone defects are particularly challenging for regenerative medicine. To date no adequate scaffold able to promote tissue ingrowth within such a context is available. The current synthetic bone substitutes have a weak capacity to stimulate the neo-tissue formation, to limit the risk of infection and can induce an inflammation deleterious for the durability of the implant.
Moreover, ceramic substitutes are naturally brittle and with limited ergonomics which make them difficult to use in certain conditions (various anatomical sites: access, geometry and mechanical stress). The ionic doping of porous bioceramics based on calcium phosphates (CaP) could be used to overcome the first difficulties mentioned, using strontium (Sr), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) respectively, while the use of a interlocking or breakable ceramic scaffold as a biobased shape memory composite could make it possible to overcome the second limitation.
Thus, our PIMyBone program aims to develop, characterize on the physicochemical and mechanical levels, and to evaluate biologically (in vitro and in vivo) two therapeutic solutions via macroporous scaffolds either ceramic or hybrid ceramic / shape memory composite.
These three-dimensional structures will be shaped by the same optimized PIM (Powder Injection Moulding) process using additive manufacturing tools, in order to obtain complex custom geometries with multiple porosity levels, to allow use in any indication and regardless of the geometry of the bone defect.
The TEXTOS project’s general target is to develop an innovative 3D matrix for tissue engineering, as purpose to rebuild, regenerate or replace the function of deficient tissues or organs. This matrix will constitute a growth support composed of natural agrosourced polymers. The originality of this project lies in the preparation of a sterilized, bi-component, biocompatible and porous support, get by a knitting process and ready to use. This material will be constituted of poly(lactic-co-glycolicacid) (PLGA) as substrate (insuring mechanical function) and chitosan as surface coating (for bio functionalization).
Challenges of this project are multiple. First, a scientific and technic challenge, purposed the making of an innovative product, at the crossroad of biotechnologies and agroresources sectors. The second one is the tissue engineering product’s maturation, from the concept to the making of an operational prototype, validated in preoperative conditions; a key step for the product valorization to the companies.
All these challenges should be met in a consortium federating the different crossborder’s complementariness expertises. Research and development actions include the focusing of PLGA wires (medical grade), the chitosan coating, the knitting textile 3D matrix, and its use for bone rebuilding. Communication actions, which will implement throughout the project, integrate different medias for information diffusion, events organization dissemination to the companies.
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9 rue Claude Chrétien, Campus Sup Ardenne, Bâtiment D, 08000 Charleville-Mézières | 26 Rue Lavoisier, Pôle Technologique de Champagne, Bâtiment A, 52800 Nogent