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R&D Innovation

CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION Doctors and engineers support you in your R&D and innovation projects. A continuous resourcing of their knowledge, though the involvement in numerous collaborative projects, complete and efficient laboratory means, allow to carry out a reactive and effective R&D

Tribology Surface Cold Plasma Functionalization 3D printing Innovation State of the art MIM PIM CIM Wear Watch Research CIR Bibliography 

R&D Innovation

CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION Doctors and engineers support you in your R&D and innovation projects. A continuous resourcing of their knowledge, though the involvement in numerous collaborative projects, complete and efficient laboratory means, allow to carry out a reactive and effective R&D.

Tribology Surface Cold Plasma Functionalization 3D printing Innovation State of the art MIM PIM CIM Wear Watch Research CIR Bibliography 

Materials shaping by innovative processes

  • Metallic or ceramic powders injection moulding (PIM)
  • Additive manufacturing without melting
  • This strategic activity aims development and technology transfer for polymeric, ceramic and metallic materials shaping, by direct or indirect means. It gathers PIM (Powder Injection Molding) facilities and several 3D-printers able to implement polymer wire or feedstock (mix of polymer and ceramic or metallic powder,  wire or granules allowing to get at the end a ceramic or metallic part). It targets to support companies to implement small and large series additive manufacturing technologies, in partnership with the Platinium 3D platform. A great experience was got for PIM and 3D technologies, especially for:
    • Development for materials shaped by additive manufacturing for biomedical sector (bioresorbable polymers, and ceramics under development).
    • Composite materials (metal/ceramic) by PIM process
    • Metallic foams elaboration by PIM process
    • Metallic materials development for implantable medical devices (pure titanium, titane alloy (TA6V) and CrCoMo (F75)) by PIM process
    • Development of water-based debinding (accelerator)
    • Printed polymers for tribology (TPU and ABS by Freeformer)
    Tooling development, in partnership with PLATINIUM 3D platform. CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION is involved in several collaborative R&D projects about this topic: Fabricar3V OptimOs PEPS
    PIM technology
    The equipments
    The PIM process, grouping MIM and CIM (Metal or Ceramic Injection Molding) is a combination between plastic injection and powder metallurgy, allowing to make metallic or ceramic parts.  
    This technology consists to inject in a injection moulding machine a feedstock (mix of metallic or ceramic powder with a polymeric bind), to get a shaped part call green part. After, this part is debinded (elimination of the polymer) then sintered.  
    This process is adapted to:  
  • Large series
  • Parts with shape or architecture complex and innovative
  • Small or medium size parts (typically between 1 and 100 grams)
  • It offers a large range of materials:
  • – Based on metallic powder (TA6V, CoCrMo, 316L, innovative alloys…)
    – Based on ceramic powder (zircona, alumina…)
    – Composite (several powders mixed)
    – Bi-material (by co-sintering)
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    Injection moulding machine with multi-lift robot

  • Closing Force: 60 Tons
  • Opening stroke: 500 mm
  • Distance between tie bars (maximum mould dimensions): 320 x 320 mm
  • Maximum mould depth = 270 mm
  • Platen dimensions (extreme values for mould fixing): 320 mm central injection with 125 mm centring diameter
  • 2 injection screws for metal powders: 0 20 and 0 30mm
  • 2 injection screws for ceramic powders: 0 20 and 0 30mm
  • Maximum injectable volume (20 mm screw) =31 cm3
  • Maximum injectable volume (30 mm screw) =70cm3
  • Mould: vacuum pump up to 80 mbar and maximum temperature = 160°C

    Horizontal vacuum sintering furnace

  • Volume: 54 L (292 x 305 x 610 mm)
  • Sintering temperature: 1650°C max. under vacuum and 1600°C max at P=933mbar under protective atmosphere: H2, Ar or N2
  • Molybdenum heating body

    “FREEFORMER” additive manufacturing machine

    Two material preparation units, to shape simultaneously two materials:  
  • Two different thermoplastics for simple parts
  • One thermoplastic and a support material for complex parts
  • Max thermoplastics shaping temperature: 400°C
  • Temperature max of the enclosure: 140°C
  • Max dimensions for parts: 230 x 130 x 250 mm
  • Nozzles diameters: 0.15, 0.20 or 0.25 mm, allowing to have thickness layer from 0.15 to 0.31 mm.
  • Max pressure of material: 1300 bars

    Ultrasonic tank Annemasse for water debinding

  •  Capacity: 200 L
  • CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION is also equipped for solvent debinding (ethanol or acetone)
  • Ceramic debinding furnace

  • Volume: 120 L (450 x 600 x 450 mm)
  • Temperatures = 150-450°C
  • Maximum part size: 60 x 60 x 10 mm
  • Maximum debinding speed: 6g/min
  • Atmosphere: atmospheric pressure air

    Others additive manufacturing machines

    CRITT MATERIALS INNOVATION owns several others additive manufacturing machines, originally intended for polymers, used for its research works, notably for “PIM-Like” (PIM and additive manufacturing technologies hybridization, to obtain metallic or ceramic parts).

    Catalytic debinding furnace

  • Volume: 95 L (330 X 762 X 381 mm)
  • Temperature: 20 to 150°C
  • Operates with nitric acid Fuming (concentration lower than 4% by volume) and under nitrogen
  • Debinding speed = about 1 mm/h

    Ceramic sintering furnace

  • Maximum temperature = 1750°C
  • Volume: 40 L (300 x 350 x 350 mm)
  • Maximum part size 60 x 60 x 10 mm
  • Atmosphere: atphosmeric pressure air. Sweeping by nitrogen possible…
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    Surface functionalisation

  • Low pressure plasma surface treatment and coating
  • Atmospheric pressure plasma surface treatment
  • CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION studies from 25 years cold plasma treatment and coating and it’s one of its strategic research axes. Plasma, “fourth matter state” is a gas medium under conditions to allow its ionization: it then becomes conductor. A plasma is a matter state constitute with neutral particles and ions and electrons charged. CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION owns various surface treatment devices, under vacuum or atmospheric pressure. Usual treatments concern: the activation or modification of the materials surface properties (metallic, polymeric, composite…); thin layers coating (mainly, by CVD) or then the sterilization. These applications, associated with our numerous characterization means, allow us to answer at various surface treatment issues for R&D, with industrial companies or into collaborative projects frame, at level regional, national or European. CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION is involved in several collaborative R&D projects about this topic:
    CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION have various technologies:

    Low pressure plasma (under vacuum)

    CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION is actively working for the improvement of a cold plasma device under vacuum, allowing materials treatment, especially polymers (as biopolymers) sensitive to the temperature, chemical agents or powerful radiations effects.

    This device have several plasma sources: microwaves, radiofrequency plasma and various couplings, including magnetic fields. An innovation, patented (with URCA) by CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION consists to generate a plasma exclusively inside a container, itself located inside a reactor. This technology was used to perform sterilizations treatment, but can be enlarge for others applications, as activation treatment of granular materials or thin layers by CVD.

    Atmospheric pressure plasma

    For a decade or so, atmospheric pressure plasmas, allowing to freeing from the vacuum, raise a growing interest, as level scientific or industrial.

    CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION has various devices allowing to get plasma at ambient pressure:

    • Plasma torch device (Axcys®): atmospheric plasma jet, set on a 6 axes robot.
    • Manual plasma torch (Piezobrush® PZ2) from Relyon Plasma
    • Plasma gun (Thermofisher, in collaboration with CNRS): plasma generation and transport in a capillary pipe for length until some meters, or splitting into several plasma secondary jets.

    Plasma assited CVD coating

    Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a chemical process used to make solid material layers with high purity and hardness levels. CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION has an evaporation device for CVD thin layers (VDM from Bronkhorst®): this system allows the transformation of phases (organometallic precursors, organic compounds or other aqueous solutions) into steam by using a carrier gas and controlled heating. Thus, thin layers CVD generation can be performed in both cases: atmospheric pressure and low pressure. Various surface treatment are complemented by:

    • Measurements during the process (plasma monitoring by optical emission spectroscopy, mass spectrometry),
    • An acquisition centre to record various parameters: temperature, flow, pressure, voltage, frequency…,
    • Surfaces analysis (see sheet “Surface analysis”)

    Wear and friction tests

    Facilities of the CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION tribology platform, allow the evaluation of wearing and friction properties of materials and parts for several fields of activity. We are equipped with:

  • Two scratch-tests: instrumented scratch test for the analysis of the strength of thin films and their level of adhesion to the substrate, at micro and nanometric scales
  • A Taber® abrasimeter : strenght test for surfaces abrasion (standards ISO 7784-2, ASTM D 4060, ASTM F 1978)
  • Pin-on-disc tribometers: for measurement of friction coefficient and wear of materials in various mediums:
    o Standard, pin or ball-on-disc, from 1 to 20 N
    o Hight temperature, until 800°C, from 1 to 20 N
    o High loads with multi directional movements, until 500 N (standard ASTM F 732)
  • Wear simulators for joint implants: hip, knee… (standard ISO 14242 & 14243)
  • More informations

    With these equipments, associated with its numerous facilities for surface characterization, CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION proposes to support your projects for new materials development, surface treatment, comparative validation, close realistic tests conditions

    A part of these tests can perform under ISO/CEI 17025 (COFRAC) accreditation. Find detail here

    Technology watch and state of the art

    Subscription to specialised magazines

    Subscription to several scientific journals specialized on CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION skill fields. These journals are read and analysed by CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION staff who thus updates its skills and identify new developments likely to interest its customers

    Documentary database and specialised technical data in the field of materials

    Access to “Techniques de l’Ingénieur” (Engineering Techniques) and the complete collection of “ASM Handbooks”. These encyclopaedias are rich in technical data on processes and materials.

    Access to database servers

    Access to database servers, which can query several hundred specialised databases (bibliographic, technical data, directories, etc.).

    Research and analyse patents tool

    Professional tool allowing to directly query the patent databases of the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), to extract relevant information according with a given topic, to analyse it and then to organise its monitoring.
    Don’t limit your watch only to web search engines

    Support for R&D projects setting up and running, and research of funding

    Support for specific requests

    CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION can support you in your development projects thanks to a personalised service combining its various skills:

    Identification of your requirements or issues

    Solutions research with our numerous databases and watching tools. (see above)

    All kind of customized analyses and tests performing, with the CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION facilities.

    Support for research of funding

    Help to set up funding file

    « Crédit Impôt Recherche » (CIR, research tax credit) and » Crédit Impôt Innovation » (CII, innovation tax credit. Only for companies located in France.

    As a Technology Resource Centre (CRT), CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION is approved for the Research Tax Credit (CIR) and the Innovation Tax Credit (CII).

    CIR is a tax reduction aid based on your company’s Research & Development expenditure and designed to encourage research and technological innovation.

    CII is tax credit based on expenditures incurred in favour of “the design, conception of prototypes or pilot installations of new products”. Only SMEs in the European sense of the term can benefit from it.

    Thus, this agreement allows to our customers which perform R&D activities to reduce the cost of performance entrusted to CRITT MATÉRIAUX INNOVATION, subject to their eligibility.

    © 2025 CRITT MI – All rights reserved – Legal notice

    9 rue Claude Chrétien, Campus Sup Ardenne, Bâtiment D, 08000 Charleville-Mézières | 26 Rue Lavoisier, Pôle Technologique de Champagne, Bâtiment A, 52800 Nogent

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